Tuesday 29 October 2013


Hi. This is Sabrina, and last time I logged in Keesha was deleted.
I was in pain. I don't know but I felt stressed. School has but me in big pressure, because.. you know. High school.. Its much harder. More homework. So, I don't have time for the computer. So, that means MSP has none of me anymore. So, I will delete my user, or quit. I'll give it to someone else. LlamaSkittles is still there (THANK GOD!!!) So I will ask her when she's online if she wants my user.

I'm sorry. Bye

Saturday 19 October 2013

Ok so I've deleted my user. The last thing is for everyone to be asking me why. Why? its a personal matter that only my close friends will understand. So yh. I'm no longer that fun, bubbly keesha anymore. ;_; Maybe a miracle will come one day, but I doubt it. I'm probably never coming online often and never getting vip again. (The Miracle is getting vip again o-o). And anyway, who can be bothered to go level up to level 7 again? Out of all the people I know, they judge people of look. That's what msp is about. judging people on looks and breaking hearts. Honestly, I want to delete LlamaSkittles but its the only thing I have left of my life. If I delete that i'll never smile just a little EVER. It broke my HEART to delete krazy keesha. Nobody knows the real reason about why I deleted my user and I try to forget about it but its stuck in my head. How do people think I feel? Do I even matter? Am I a peace of junk, free to be able to disgust?
I'm sorry for being so emotional :/ I'm sorry for wasting your time. Here are some of my memories.