Tuesday 29 October 2013


Hi. This is Sabrina, and last time I logged in Keesha was deleted.
I was in pain. I don't know but I felt stressed. School has but me in big pressure, because.. you know. High school.. Its much harder. More homework. So, I don't have time for the computer. So, that means MSP has none of me anymore. So, I will delete my user, or quit. I'll give it to someone else. LlamaSkittles is still there (THANK GOD!!!) So I will ask her when she's online if she wants my user.

I'm sorry. Bye

Saturday 19 October 2013

Ok so I've deleted my user. The last thing is for everyone to be asking me why. Why? its a personal matter that only my close friends will understand. So yh. I'm no longer that fun, bubbly keesha anymore. ;_; Maybe a miracle will come one day, but I doubt it. I'm probably never coming online often and never getting vip again. (The Miracle is getting vip again o-o). And anyway, who can be bothered to go level up to level 7 again? Out of all the people I know, they judge people of look. That's what msp is about. judging people on looks and breaking hearts. Honestly, I want to delete LlamaSkittles but its the only thing I have left of my life. If I delete that i'll never smile just a little EVER. It broke my HEART to delete krazy keesha. Nobody knows the real reason about why I deleted my user and I try to forget about it but its stuck in my head. How do people think I feel? Do I even matter? Am I a peace of junk, free to be able to disgust?
I'm sorry for being so emotional :/ I'm sorry for wasting your time. Here are some of my memories.

Monday 19 August 2013


My Hands ACHING atm, so I won't write a lot today. Ehmm... believe it or not...but I went through all the highscorers and tried to find myself o.o Don't ask how long it took -.- God. IT TOOK AGES :C ANYWAY. I found Sabrina.
 Then . I found myself o.o
My new aim is to beat x angel tm3 x to lvl 25. Well it depends how many levels they're gonna be. ._. Aparently more levels are gonna be made D:

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Super blogging - Superwoman and perfect people. (not literally)

its sabrina
so i'm bored
i'm just going to blog
this might be a long post or whatever
yeah so I have been watching superwoman the whole day
but this aweeeeesshhhmmmurrreeee youtuber called IISuperwomanII
i know i just used caps
was a bit lazy in the start but yknow no NO girl, no no I know you dont want to hear this, but you gotta leave him.
sorry i got this from superwoman
yay she has something in common with Niall
Ok lets start off with my day
woke up
put on ma slippers'
went to the showarr'
dried myself
brushed teeth
dressed up
went to eat breakfast
brushed teeth again
went to my computer
watched superwoman the whole day
played minecraft

seriously subscribe to her IISuperwomanII i swear she's awesome
and superwoman
if you cant handle me at my worst you cant have me at my best
omg lol i love this clip
<<<<<< its fun
LAUGH!!!!! *laughs like a maniac*
now I want you to know her better
thats why im posting this whole page with superwoman i mean lilly i mean singh i mean iisuperwomanii
so gifs are really fun, but I have something to say that not everything is fun. like people judging. no. its not. really. but iisuperwomanii saved me and smosh because they keep me obsessed with youtube which is good so i wouldnt get bored and suddenly jump off a cliff. no. but since im here for yall today you should all like my post because its fun and its a EFFING BLOG POST I MEAN LIKE WHO WANTS A BORING SHORT POST AND HAVE TO WAIT LIKE 1 MONTH OR A YEAR BEFORE ANOTHER ONE COMES OUT??? thats what my followers on tumblr have to do but anyways there comes a time when you have to wait. never for me again. im super impatient.
awww am I keeping you occupied? hope so

Some people can't really understand, That some things are important.
NOT ONLY THEMSELVES. Like this is an example:
Like OMFG gurrrrlll wazzupp ya know I got this subba cool dress its sooo short it makes me look like a perfect slut
I mean come on. T_T thats going to make you important.
i'd rather see chuck norris eating puke than that
OH OH and another example:
HEYYY GURRRLLLLL im so popular and y kno whutttt everyone likes me! yayyy!
and im like :
its sad. and im concerned about some people occasionally have to brag about themselves or try to act perfect. if you think you are perfect you are wrong. remember: NOBODYS PERFECTT. wait thats a lie one direction is perfect. hannah montana ruined my life now. ok that was everything I wanted to blog about. blog out guys. please dont stalk me. just leave a comment and get out. but first i want to say this:

Saturday 3 August 2013

Hi. Sabrina here.

Ok. So I'm at dads place right now, And I'm locked again.
Jesus christ. -.- I haven't done anything. Ok? I hope I'll be unlocked when I go to mums place again.

Oh, and my Sims 3 mod works now.
Yay. And I haven't been on IMVU for 3 years. I'm on now. yay. No. You wont get my username. Wow. Alot of punctuations though. I should go -_- Mkey bye.

Saturday 27 July 2013


Yeah so I went to a cafe, and then this user came in and was typing with caps:
Here is a image of her o-o
her username is scary o.o
- Sabrina

Thursday 25 July 2013

Got Some Really Exciting News *screams* Look in..





Gawd o.o

Some ppl eh? -.- Or as Sabrina would say: T_T  Yeh i know who reported me -.- This girl who was saying really disturbing stuff in the cafe (not mentioning what she said o.o) So, i said to her "SHUT UP" Then she sent me weird msgs.. o.o
then suddenly..she said..
so i said....
She didn't reply after that xD I must have "mooved" her away c': haha classic xD

Saturday 20 July 2013


I found this new app which allows me to save write stuff on a pic^O^ Here's my try:
yeh I was bored ._.

Shout out

Wow, I literalyl just went to the mall and said "YOU GET A FREE SHOUT OUT" O.O Anyway, this girl says she's bored ;p ----------->
   :D So I told her to check out my blog!

Trolling Fun

Ok. we were bored. So what? ;O We went on trolling accounts annoying ppl when our cousins daughters sisters cousin entered o.e
      She got owned xD

Dino Fun~Retarded Version o.o

Of course it wasn't as fun without sabrina :'(

Friday 12 July 2013

If you dont check this out - Sabrina

I will hunt you in your nightmares and turn your sweet dreams into bloody, sick, nightmares that you NEVER can wake up from. MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


She is watching you. >:)

Friday 28 June 2013

Haters May Hate, Lovers May Love, But Nothing Can Change My Style♥

As u've heard...Sabrina has haters :c Why hate on her? She has done nothing wrong. It's like when ppl eat horses one asks "why eat horses?"  O-O

It started when I saw this "ugly thing" spamming Sabrina's wall. 
I wrote back on the "ugly thing"s wall saying..
  I then received a message saying...
 Of course I realized at once that this girl was a scammer trying to ruin Sabrina's life. She had a plan to spread stupid rumours about her. So naturally I  just played along pretending that her plan was working.
Then she targeted my friend MaixuexD. I had not one care in this world what the "ugly thing" was saying but I was just curious of who she really was on msp. So I tricked her.
The username she gave me was "sierra mccalckin". I hurriedly messaged Sabrina if she knew anyone called Sierra and in like ten seconds I got a reply. Sierra was sending death threats to Sabrina for no reson. Why though? I think there's something fishy in all of this. I think I'll just have to wait and find out.

Wednesday 26 June 2013


My hater said to me that she has spread lies to Keesha and Ellie.
WHATEVER SHE HAS TOLD THEM ITS NOT TRUE! She's just trying to ruin our friendship! Evidence:

I got so depressed after she had said this, I don't know if she actually HAS said it or not, She's just ruining me! And she has been watching me before! But seriously.. I don't want her to make trouble in my life!

Like, what the heck?

Ok, there is this ugly thing called SABRINA44 IS UGLY on MSP and yeah like she's really mean and stuffs so like yes. She claims she's a hacker!! SHE'S NOT!!! BECAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE IN HER >:C AND SHE HAS BEEN SPAMMING MY WALL WITH CRAP AND ALSO SENT ME MESSAGES AND SHE SWEARS!! :C
Here is photos!

Yeah oh well, typical noobs.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Lyk Omggg.

Keesha here c:
Well, today I was talking to Sabrina when suddenly....something happened ...something dangerous....something terrible u can't even imagine....SHE WAS OVER COME BY ....ZOMBIES..When we were talking about xat, there was a long pause and...then....I received this message at exactly 17:32.
Lyk Omg xD

Tuesday 18 June 2013


 IM SO CONFUSED O___________________________________________________________________________O

Monday 17 June 2013

Keesha Here

Hi guy I'm writing this in bed secretly so I might have made a few mistakes in things :3 So much has happened this week! Alishak locked out godly gone forever, candi quit msp, V1PER found with lottiedoll, lottiedoll deleted herself, V1PER now going out with Angelina, B-West found cheating, *Stardust* real attitude revealed to candi, Alishak caught swearing about Roxy-1 and everything's completely RUINED. Maybe all the things I just mentioned r not true. I'M NOT ON ANYONES SIDE ATM. I don't really want to get involved :s The only person who's not involved with the drama is isha :D I guess when more people get involved with these things the more troublesome it'll be. *sighs* I just need a break. (:

Shout Out Loud

OMG I JUST LOVE MAKING ACCOUNTS :D I dunno why xD Its an addiction xD So anyway I forced my friend to make an account but he said no so I ehm..made one for him xDDD
     MHAHAHAHA *coughs*