Friday 28 June 2013

Haters May Hate, Lovers May Love, But Nothing Can Change My Style♥

As u've heard...Sabrina has haters :c Why hate on her? She has done nothing wrong. It's like when ppl eat horses one asks "why eat horses?"  O-O

It started when I saw this "ugly thing" spamming Sabrina's wall. 
I wrote back on the "ugly thing"s wall saying..
  I then received a message saying...
 Of course I realized at once that this girl was a scammer trying to ruin Sabrina's life. She had a plan to spread stupid rumours about her. So naturally I  just played along pretending that her plan was working.
Then she targeted my friend MaixuexD. I had not one care in this world what the "ugly thing" was saying but I was just curious of who she really was on msp. So I tricked her.
The username she gave me was "sierra mccalckin". I hurriedly messaged Sabrina if she knew anyone called Sierra and in like ten seconds I got a reply. Sierra was sending death threats to Sabrina for no reson. Why though? I think there's something fishy in all of this. I think I'll just have to wait and find out.

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