Saturday 8 June 2013


Yes I'm back on msp! Just in time to discover this stupid girl who's annoying Sab >.> She wanted to trade with Sabrina but Sabrina didn't really want to trade the item.. so she did what? Blocked her. :D Lmfao xD The Trade Girl doesn't even know what the block button is. She probably thinks its the button where you eat cookies or something O_O.. YOU_CAN'T_BLOCK_PPL_LIKE_THAT. Whats even worse is that she's sprending rumours about her to everyone :I.. Ah well..she'll soon figure out that that button is the *block button*..Anyhow, on the bright side, :D I'm getting loads of friend requests..x'D Look..Ok so it's not a lot...but it's  lot to me :X

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