Monday 3 June 2013


OK IM SERIOUS. MSP HAS GOT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. WHEN I EMAILED  THEM THEY ONLY REPLIED "There ARE no hackers." THIS IS NOT TRUE MSP. EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR JUST SAYING THAT TO CALM PPL DOWN. WELL ITS NOT WORKING D:< ..WhenMiss Filly made the forum I was the one to annoy her the most..I Spammed stupid stuff on the forum...I told her to hack me if she was real.. I was the one to message her to hack me..She's very clever this.."hacker"..what she did instead was hack  MY BFF instead.. She knew it would sound foolish to hack me straight so she decided to scare me even more in a threatening way.. Oh and did i ever tell you that when i retrieved my account back..King Keesha had been Miss Filly...  Yes. I think Miss Filly is watching what i do all the time..When i wrote about King Keesha she must have got angry and hacked him in fear i would be scared of King Keesha more...YES I BELIEVE IM ALSO A TARGET BUT SABRINA AND I ARE GOING TO STAY STRONG BECAUSE WHATEVER HAPPENS..REMEMBER "SHE HACKED US..END OF STORY.. WHATS DONE IS DONE" Also, another positive point is to believe that it's only a game and even if she does hack what? We're still living and can start on msp all over again :D Hoped this helped Sabrina.. :( from Keesha ..

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